Mark Lee ’17 Earns Exceptional Master’s Student Award

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On April 6, 2018, Georgetown University hosted its third annual Graduate Student Awards Ceremony, where MSGH student Mark Lee ’17 was presented with the Exceptional Masters Student Award in the Sciences.
The Department of International Health nominated Mark for the award, which recognizes a graduate student who demonstrates a high level of proficiency in the sciences, incorporating academic achievement, quality of research, and commitment to advancing studies through work experience.
Mark excelled as a student at Georgetown, taking elective coursework at the Law Center and School of Foreign Service. For his field research module and scholarly project, Mark undertook a nutritional epidemiologic study with El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), a public scientific research institute located in Chiapas, Mexico. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Graduate Student Government awarded Mark a competitive grant for his research.
During his time at Georgetown, Mark also worked as a Junior Consultant with the United Nations World Food Programme, U.S. Relations Office. There, he applied classroom theory to support international malnutrition and humanitarian operations funded by U.S. government donor agencies in real-time.
“My time on the Hilltop has led to intense personal and professional growth,” said Mark. “It is a true honor to celebrate with the University at large and to share the impactful work we undertake in the MSGH program, in D.C. and in the field.”
A few weeks after the awards ceremony, GU President Jack DeGioia, PhD, hosted a dinner recognizing outstanding graduate students. Mark was invited to sit at the head table.