Department Welcomes Field Research Preceptors

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Late in the Spring semester, the Department of International Health welcomed field research partners to campus for a two-day conference.
Since its founding over fifteen years ago, the Department has maintained robust partnerships with premier health research and policy institutions across the world. These institutions serve as hosts for Georgetown’s Global Health graduate and undergraduate students. Researchers there act as “preceptors” for students, advising them on academic projects in the field.
During the recent conference, preceptors and Georgetown faculty discussed the status of the Field Research Module (M.S. curriculum) and Practical Experience Abroad (B.S. curriculum). All attendees enthusiastically endorsed continuing their partnerships with Georgetown.
Additionally, each institution offered a presentation showcasing their institution’s research in the area of urban health. Topics ranged from vector-borne diseases in East African informal settlements to nutritional concerns for the urban poor in India. Preceptors and faculty resolved to increase collaboration in urban health research.
Preceptors also participated in a lunch with Global Health students — both those who had recently returned from field research at their sites, and those set to join later in the year!
Representatives from the following institutions attended the conference:
- Vector Control Research Centre — Pondicherry, India
- National Institute for Nutrition — Hyderabad, India
- El Colegio de la Frontera Sur — Chiapas, Mexico
- WHO Regional Office for Africa — Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo
- Kintampo Health Research Centre — Kintampo, Ghana
- Dodowa Health Research Centre — Dodowa, Ghana
- National Institute for Medical Research — Dar es Salaam and Korogwe, Tanzania